Cowfolks Care
Rock Creek Ranch Roping Productions, LLC
is going to hold a benefit raffle for us!
JBrennan Pulled Wool Saddle Pads has graciously donated a pulled wool pad to this raffle! More items are coming!
Tickets are $10 each or 6 for $50. You can Venmo Carolyn at
@Skeezix-90, send a check in the mail, or purchase tickets at the roping in Pocatello on February 1, 2025!
~We are a recognized 501c3~
Established in 2013, our mission at Cowfolks Care is to provide charitable services and financial assistance to those in the American ranching and agricultural communities in times of major medical illnesses, accidents, job loss, or weather related issues. Our general fund is set up to have readily available emergency funds for a family that may need
immediate assistance.
If you would like to make a monetary donation, we accept PayPal at
Donations can be mailed to:
Cowfolks Care
2700 Woodlands Village Blvd
Suite 300-256
Flagstaff AZ 86001
If you are wanting your funds to go to a particular person or event please make sure to include that name in the subject line.
AND REMEMBER! We don't collect any fees or percentages! All funds go to the chosen recipients, 100%!
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