Cowfolks Care


These are the 5x3" oval bumper stickers we have decided on!

You can pick PINK, BLACK, or BLUE! $10 each, includes shipping!

Get yours and let everyone know you support Cowfolks Care!

Please specify which colors you would like when ordering them!

Show Your Support!

$10 each!

They're here and now available! Show your support by wearing one of our new teal & black wristbands! One size

fits most (lg).
To place an order, simply click on the "Donate" button and tell us how many you'd like!

Please be sure to include your mailing information!.

Did you know that it's easy to make a donation to Cowfolks Care? You can do it as a one time payment or even set up a monthly amount by hitting the "donate" button below! You can use your credit, debit card or a checking account to pay via Paypal, even if you don't have a Paypal account already. And please mark your donation as sending to "friends or family" to avoid the fees and help us put more funds toward our goal of helping folks. If you prefer to donate by check, just send it to us at:

Cowfolks Care

2700 S. Woodlands Village Blvd, Suite 300-256

Flagstaff AZ 86001

Remember, this is our chance to work together and let the western community know that Cowfolks Care! Keep in mind that all donations are Tax deductible.